Symptoms of Anxiety Attack in Women and Men

Symptoms of Anxiety Attack

Anxiety Disorder

Symptom of Anxiety attack in women could be mild or severe, it depends on the cause of causes and to deal effectively with this disease, it is advisable that you learn about what it’s all about. It could occur as a result of another illness which wasn’t treated properly. If this attack has been ongoing, it’s advisable that you consult with your Doctor immediately. There are various symptoms, different symptoms require different forms of treatment.

The various symptoms can be classified into two forms. The first being the psychological part and the other is the physical form. Consulting your Doctor will help you to establish the one you are suffering from or it could be both. Another reason you could be suffering from anxiety could be that you have a disturbing issue that you are currently dealing with, whatever this issue is, it’s no doubt that it has taken control over your life this leads to fear, worry which eventually lead to symptoms of anxiety attack.

The scientific name for anxiety attack is panic attack, you are constantly thinking about this issue because you believe that if things should get out of control the outcome will not be pleasant.

Some of the Symptoms of an anxiety attack are:

  1. Lack of concentration
  2. Blood pressure will rise
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Constant headache
  5. Discomfort and irritation

Once you get a confirmation from the Doctor about the symptoms, you don’t necessarily have to go for medical treatment. The best thing Doctors will do is to prescribe some drugs just to calm your nerves and help you to get your life under control but be advised that this will not last long. The drugs will not deal with the situation that give rise to anxiety attack in the first place. Apart from drugs not being able to cure the symptoms of anxiety attack, relying on drugs every now and then does have its own side effect. There will always be issues to deal with; you need to ask yourself if you will have to keep taking drugs.

There are natural treatments that you can practice by yourself, this will help you to cure your anxiety, the next time you have a problem to deal with, instead of becoming agitated which will lead to anxiety attacks in other words one problem leads to another. The techniques that you have learned from the natural methods will help you to stop the problems leading to symptoms of anxiety attack thereby avoid suffering from constant attack. As you move on to the next page you will discover lots of relaxation techniques that you can practice by yourself and gain total freedom from panic attack.

Natural Treatment for Acute Anxiety Disorders

Natural Treatment for Acute Anxiety Disorders

Acute anxiety disorder means a severe panic attack; panic attack is the medical term while the layman’s language is an anxiety disorder. People suffer from anxiety because of an issue, there is a problem at hand that you have been trying to find a solution to and you have tried everything you can think of to come up with a solution to no avail, when this happens, it normally leads to worry then it moves on to being stress and before long you will become a victim of acute anxiety disorder.

Anything that hits your mind will definitely transfer to your body, that’s why you feel a tingling in your body anytime your mind goes towards the problem you have to deal with. Some of the symptoms are:

  1. Rapid heart beat
  2. Hyperventilating
  3. Chest pain

The three symptoms above are many of the various symptoms, if you don’t attend to these symptoms as soon as possible your situation will get worse with time. The acute anxiety disorders has a tendency to affect every area of your life. With time, irritation and discomfort which are part of the symptoms will at some point begin to take control of your life and will start to affect your self confidence.

Your first point of contact should be your Doctor so that he can advise you accordingly, as usual the Doctor will prescribe various drugs depending on how severe your anxiety is but if this is your first time of suffering from acute anxiety disorder then you need to know that medication is bound to become your saving grace anytime you experience another acute anxiety disorder..

If you have an experience with anxiety disorders in the past and all you have been depending on is medication, then by now you must be fed up with depending on medication all the time, perhaps you are beginning to see the negative effect depending on drugs all the time. There are many natural treatments for acute anxiety disorder that you can start practicing and in no time you will start seeing changes.

The reason medication doesn’t work is because it only takes care of the symptoms and not the cause. With the natural treatment you will be exposed to various techniques that will help you to prevent anxiety disorders from attacking you. One of the natural treatments is getting adequate support from family and friends, just make sure they are people who are mature enough to support you and not attack you even if the cause of your problem is your entire fault.











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