The Lies behind Anxiety Medication List
You can do a compilation of all the Medication List in the world; you could go through each medication one by one using them with the hope that your Anxiety will be cure for good. I’m here to inform you that no matter how broad the Medication list you compiled to cure your Anxiety, no matter how strong these medications are they will not cure your anxiety. I’m talking about medication list because research shows that a lot of sufferers are interested in compiling different medication and trying each one of them with the hope that some of these medications will release them from the shackles of anxiety attack.
Total dependence on medication is not the best solution for curing anxiety, there are victims who have gone through various Medication list recommended and yet the problem lingers, what medication does is to mask the problem and not solve them. What you’ll definitively get from some of these drugs on your anxiety medication list will be a false assurance while most of them won’t even work at all. In this article I’m going to define what Anxiety is: identified the different causes of anxiety and you will also discover some effective natural methods that you can practice which will help you to overcome your anxiety. It’s a very dangerous thing for your life to depend on drugs, you will constantly be spending money compare to some of the natural treatment that won’t cost you a penny and in some cases if you have to spend money, it’ll be a onetime investment.
Anxiety is a phenomenon that evokes certain kind of emotion, the kind of emotion depends on the kind of impact the situation you’re dealing with will have on you. To put it in a simple way, let’s say you’re facing an issue at work and you believe that this issue might cost you your job, the more you think about losing your job, the more overwhelming and restless you’ll be. If you keep thinking about losing your job then at some point, you’ll start thinking about the impact of being jobless, how it will affect your life. You’ll start thinking of running out of money, having to rely on the Government for support, not being able to buy things you like and not being sure of when you’ll get another job.
If you’re married, it’ll be worse because you are likely to have others who are depending on you. As time goes on all these thoughts in your head will lead to worries and worries will lead to being stressful because they’re overwhelming, to sum up all these processes will mean suffering from anxiety attack. When you take medication, you’re suppressing Anxiety but remember that the issue at work will not disappeared until you face it head on and find out the outcome. This is the reason I keep telling people that the best solution to Anxiety is to face the situation and deal with it from the root. Quite a number of people are compiling Anxiety medication list hoping this will provide answers and help get rid of Anxiety for good, you have to know that anxiety and the situation you have to deal with are two separate things, therefore while suppressing your anxiety with drugs, you can’t suppress the situation with drugs.
- Unusual Behaviours: Most times people around you will have to point it out to you that you’ve been acting funny lately. This first thing victims normally do is put on a defensive system which is natural, unusual behaviour are not easy to detect because people love to live in denial, even if you can tell you’ll probably explain it away. It’s like having an issue that could ruin your life but acting like it’s no big deal. Anxiety will lead to unusual behaviours because you’re being control by the problem at hand.
2. The Feelings: There are two types of feelings, the good ones and the bad ones, anxiety is associated with bad feelings because it’s all about bad news, it’s all about things going wrong. It’s almost impossible to feel good about something bad, it might happen if you don’t really care but then a nonchalant attitude could also lead to destruction. A problem at hand means having a bad feeling almost all the time, this is where anti-depressant comes in because bad feelings give way easily to depression.
3 Sensation: This can make life miserable and even affect you psychologically because your muscles are tense most of the time. You’ll have a hard time relaxing and could even limit your movements outdoor because when your muscles are tensed, you’re likely not to be your normal self. A lot of time you’ll be trembling, and this means hiding from people especially if you live alone. Living alone makes it much easier to hide but dangerous because no help will be forth coming, compare to living with people who will witness what you’re going through and offer a helping hand. The sensation sometimes will manifest through your throat, you’ll experience a dried mouth regularly and constantly be nervous.
4. Psychological Effect: Your heart beats faster than normal because of an issue that weight heavily on your mind. When your heart beats faster than normal you’ll be more alert to your surrounding and environment. Being alert can be both positive and negative, it’s positive when you’re the one in control and negative when the situation is in control. A little trigger will make you act faster even more than necessary most time and this is not good for your health, it’ll lead to fear and might take a long time for you to overcome.
5. Concentration: Your level of concentration will drop drastically because something else has taken hold of your mind and it’s controlling you. You’re unable to concentrate because you are maintaining a sharp focus on whatever it is, perhaps you’re totally focus because you’re trying to come up with a solution. This will affect your relationship with others especially those who are close to you and could lead to divorce in marriage if it gets out of hand. The main issue with anxiety is, there are people who have been dealing with it for a very long time and they’ve destroyed so many beautiful relationships because they couldn’t hold their acts together.
6. Interpretation: Anxiety will affect how you interpret things and the truth is you’re most likely to be negative. By nature, a lot of people are more negative than being positive this is the reason the motivational industry has become so big because like Whitney Young said people are so negative, they will say no seven times before they say yes. It’s so sad but any time there’s a problem people are so quick to believe that the worse will happen rather than believe that the best is about to happen. This is mainly due to the fact that we live in a negative World and we have been programmed to believe accordingly, listen to the news and weight the positive versus the negative, even sometimes good news are portray as bad news with negative headlines because people will be more eager to get involved.
- Panic: Panic attack is the scientific term for anxiety, something happens, and you freeze, for example you’re about to cross the street and a car comes suddenly from around the corner, you stop abruptly while you stop you actually panic. You breathe a sigh of relief because the worse could have happen; this is how you combat the panic. If after few days, the incident is replayed in your mind you’ll end up breathing a sigh of relief again and even whisper thank God. Now what if the situation occurs all the time, it means you’ll always be in a panic mode. No matter how many times you experience this you’ll never get to a point where you get used to it. Nobody gets used to anything that poses danger.
2. Powerful Thoughts: A good example is preparing to do your driving test; the thought of failure can be so powerful they lead to anxiety attack. You’re so scared of failing that the thought of failure is now controlling your every thought and constantly sending you into a panic mode. These thoughts make you question your abilities, it is worse if you’ve done it a couple of times and failed. Failure reduces confidence level and equally affects your self-esteem.
3. Phobias: Everybody has one phobia or the other; they are developed, phobias are things or situation that pushes us to act in an unusual manner. Some people can’t stand the sight of snakes. Snakes might be far-fetched but there are many phobias that surround us, some people have phobia for water, blood, small animals, heights and many more. The more we encounter these phobias the more reactive we become because we believe that they pose one form of danger or the other. These phobias will eventually lead to anxiety attack.
If you are keen about overcoming you panic anxiety attack, then as you move onto to the next page, you’ll begin to discover how to get started. In no time you’ll get rid of all the Anxiety Medication List.