What’s the best medication for Anxiety?
The truth about the best treatment for anxiety is the natural means. If you come across any medication and the label reads: best medication for treating anxiety, you could give it a try and see if this will cure your anxiety. The reason is, there is no medication for anxiety even though there are medications that could suppress your anxiety for a while, such medications will not prevent the causes. You need to focus on the cause and causes of your anxiety and take it from there.
People experience anxiety when a situation poses a threat that could affect their lives in a negative way. A lot of people experience anxiety every now and then and in lots of cases can bring them under control. But there are other circumstances whereby anxiety takes over and this is when more attention is needed to deal with the issue. Many people who suffer from anxiety hide under the canopy of different medications. My research shows that people are looking for the best solution for anxiety, they believe that if they can get their hands on this best medication for anxiety all their anxiety problems will be over.
If you really want to learn how to get rid of anxiety or at least learn how to control it to a large extent you need to learn how to control your emotions. Once you learn how to control your emotions then you would have mastered how to control your anxiety. When people take medication to suppress their anxiety what the medication do is to put your emotions under control, this is what medication such as anti-depressant does, it gives you a false sense of feeling. The main thing with medication is they won’t last a lifetime even if you are on the best medication for anxiety. What tends to happen is: your life will now depend on medication to control your anxiety.
People are different, for some after using some of medication for a while, the medication will no longer be effective and then they will have to try another form of medication. You need to learn how to manage your anxiety naturally, the reason lots of people depends on medication is because of their inability to control their feelings and emotions naturally. If you can’t control your thoughts and feelings, they will eventually start controlling you in a negative way. This will eventually lead to you having funny feelings and your emotions will be all over the place and before longing for your personality will be distorted.
- Over Alert: Humans are automatically designed to be alert to danger but in this case your alertness constantly leads to panic. It’s a good thing to be at alert especially to danger but this shouldn’t lead to panic or anxiety attack. Being overly aware means your actions and reactions will mostly be out of control, acting in an abnormal way. In no time people around you will notice your strange behaviour, this is the reason a lot of sufferers mostly stay indoors when they can afford to.
- Mindset: Your mindset will conform to the false rules surrounding anxiety such as: running away from problems instead of facing such problems head on and tackling it. Another thing about a conformed mindset is people try to play smart by ignoring the cause or causes with the false feeling that the problem will be disappeared at will. In addition, a total reliance on various medications, researching best medication for anxiety with the belief that it’ll put an end to your anxiety attack. Some will eventually give after trying different medication to no avail and settle for a false belief that this is a problem you can do nothing about, and you will have to live with it for the rest of your life.
- Stress: I’m yet to see a happy man who complains of being stress, good news makes people happy and on the other hand bad news make people sad. It’s natural to be worry about a bad situation, a situation that threatens ones’ life but when you’re constantly worried it’ll eventually become a problem. It’ll become a problem when you start having sleepless night and this will eventually lead to stress. Once stress takes over it’ll reflect all over you and people who care will start asking you questions. You need to know that getting worried over a problem will never solve the problem. Getting worried will only complicate issues, on one hand you have a problem to deal with: the problem that led to anxiety, on the other you’ll have to look after yourself because you’re stressful which could complicate matters if care is not taken.
We all have phobias for one thing or another, anything you encounter that irritates you or gives you funny feelings is a phobia. Imagine you hate flying, most people do, and you will do anything to avoid flying at all cost. There have been cases where rather than fly you used other means of public transport. Now you work for a Company and then on getting to work on this fateful day your Boss tell you of an assignment which means flying from point A to point B. The last thing you’ll tell your boss is you hate flying in fact before even thinking about how to avoid the trip your Boss presents your ticket. You later sit at your desk and couldn’t get your acts together, you’re being anxious because of the news, you have a phobia for flying and in no time all sorts of thoughts start flying through your mind.
The different reasons you have for not flying will start playing in your mind. The more you think about the whole situation the scarier you become and will lead to being anxious. Suddenly, your Boss walks up to you and drops the good news: he tells you that you will no longer be going on the trip. Your boss will be going instead, you will notice that your mood will change immediately you will have some great feelings that will put you in a relaxation mode straight away. The situation changes and so does your mood. Now what’s going to happen soon, are you likely to make this trip at some point?
If you’re going to how are you going to handle it? Are you going to rely on some pills that will help you maintain control in the course of the flight? What if your Job demands that this will be something you’ll have to do frequently; will you keep depending on drugs as long as you have to make this trip? This is how Anxiety takes over people’s lives and they become addicted to different drugs. Drug usage becomes part of their lifestyle to the point that they failed to realise that there are other options for combating anxiety.
The best way to manage your anxiety is to start applying the rules of cognitive behaviour therapy. CBT for short helps you to discover how your behaviour affects your actions; this truth will help you to learn how to manage yourself whenever you are confronted with any situation that might eventually lead to anxiety. CBT exposes you to how your thoughts patterns determine the action you’ll take concerning any situation you face.
You will learn how to be in control of any situation rather than the situation taking over your life through CBT, this will help you to reduce the number of times you experience anxiety in a day. The more you practice CBT the more you’re likely to get to the point where you no longer must deal with Anxiety. You’ll have already mastered how to prevent the situation leading to anxiety instead of having to find the cure afterwards. Fear is a terrible thing, your actions and reactions depends on how bold and mature you are, fear is a major weapon that fuels anxiety. There are many courses that will help you to overcome fear because fear means false evidence appearing real.
Many of the situations that we are confronted with are nothing but false evidence appearing real but lots of people take such cases overboard and if you’re unlucky by dealing with people who knows how to take advantage of your weakness then you might be in for a very long time. If you are keen about overcoming anxiety and panic attack, then as you move onto to the next page, you’ll begin to discover various way to help you to begin to live a normal life as soon as possible.